Happy First Anniversary, Websites and Coffee!
The month of June marks the one year anniversary of Websites and Coffee… Happy First Anniversary!
On June 19, 2012 the first workshop was held after I was inspired to help empower people to create and control their own self-hosted WordPress websites. Prior to this I’d focused on designing, developing, and creating websites FOR my clients – this was a whole new take: up to 4 attendees, using their own laptops, getting hands-on experience, in a comfortable, homey environment, with a patient, experienced professional who’s part-geek but holds a Masters in Social Work… Great tasting, organic coffee served to help relax them and make the perhaps scary idea of being in charge of one’s own website more palatable.
The results have been ‘win-win’ all the way around (read some comments), with people feeling empowered, not alone, and moving their websites forward – perhaps with additional workshops or some personal coaching from moi – and me meeting wonderful people I might very well not have met otherwise.
This first year has been loads of fun, challenges, and forward movement. I am so grateful to be a part of the WordPress community and sharing whatever knowledge and experience I have with others through such a fun venue as Websites and Coffee. Thanks, Spirit, for the inspiration. Happy First Anniversary, Websites and Coffee!