“Intro to WordPress: What’s Next?” Workshop
You’ve decided to develop and control your own WordPress website. Now what? In the “Intro to WordPress: What’s Next?” workshop, I’ll guide you through considering each step in the process — exploring what’s involved with each step and helping you decide what resources you need to complete each one.
It’s easy to get lost in the jungle of steps, especially if you’ve never been in the jungle! There are many ways to reach your destination and you’ll probably need help. I just want to provide the information you need to understand some of the decisions you’ll be making along the way. You don’t have to follow the map you’ll develop in this session, but you’ll know at least one way to get there!
I’m not big on elaborate plans that sit on the shelf or get written into New Year’s resolutions. I do like to look ahead and have some idea of what’s coming. What you’ll take away is something like an ordered checklist with your notes and ideas — including where you may want or need help.
What other offerings relate to this one?
You’ll want to have completed both “Intro to WordPress: First Steps” and “Intro to WordPress: Part Two (Going Deeper)” hopefully before completing “What’s Next?”
- If you haven’t completed those workshops, your next step may be to enroll in them to fill in knowledge gaps to help you move through your plan
- You may want to consider hourly hands-on coaching to address key issues
- If you’re in a hurry and really want some concentrated learning, check out my Personalized WordPress Retreats and we’ll get right to work!
Who should attend?
Those ready to take on developing and controlling their new WordPress website but curious and eager to understand the steps involved.
What’s the process?
We’ll walk step-by-step through the process of developing a WordPress website, answering your questions as we go. You’ll work with a hand-out to make notes and rough in your plan.
What does it cost and what’s included?
$49 includes the workshop; organic coffee (or tea); hand-outs; a folder to hold all your notes and hand-outs; and, access to the online WordPress lab (for at least two weeks).
How long does it last?
Two (2) hours. Come up to thirty minutes early for coffee and bonding, and to set up your laptop. And, stay up to thirty minutes afterward for networking.
What do you need to bring?
Your laptop; your commitment to developing and controlling your WordPress website; and your favorite coffee cup if you like.